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The Best 6SN7 tubes
Which 6SN7 tube won the right to be called the best and the worst?
Updated August 9th, 2020
Continue readingMullard 12au7/ECC82 Reissue Russia
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Continue readingThe Best 12au7 tubes
Which 12au7/5814 tube won the right to be called the best and the worst?
Updated August 7th, 2020
Continue readingBattle of the Titans – 6900 vs 6N30P-DR
How does the legendary Bendix 6900 compare sound-wise to the legendary Reflector 6n30p-DR?
Continue readingThe Best 12ax7 tubes
Which 12ax7/5751 tube won the right to be called the best and the worst?
Updated August 5th, 2020
Continue readingWhich tubes reign supreme?
Since we started this site in 2012, a lot of people contributed their reviews and ratings for various vacuum tubes. So 8 years have passed, which tubes have the highest rating?
Updated August 2nd, 2020
Continue readingValvo E80L Gold Pins Holland
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Continue readingElectro-Harmonix 12at7WC Russia
Small plate format dual triode, with low microphonics and superior dissipation, compared to NOS originals. Ideal for reverb circuits. Extra-low microphonics makes it the best 12AT7 choice for sensitive circuits.
Continue readingSovtek 12ax7LPS Russia
“12AX7LP Sovtek tubes…very linear, has great looking curves…large full sound stage, very musical with great detail…smooth and involving” — Charles Kittleson, Editor, Vacuum Tube Valley
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