Mullard 12au7/ECC82 Reissue Russia

Mullard 12au7/ECC82 Reissue Russia
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One thought on “Mullard 12au7/ECC82 Reissue Russia

  1. This review has been long coming, but I always was putting it for another day.

    Mullard, now being produced by New Sensor in the old Reflector plant in Saratov, Russia is not the Mullard of old days produced in Blackburn and Mitcham plants in the United Kingdom. I wouldn’t say that the tube is bad, for the money, it’s OK, but suffers from the same issues many new production tubes suffer. The top is rolled off, which is similar to the old Mullard, but it just doesn’t have the soundstage and musicality the NOS tubes offered. It’s a worthy upgrade to many stock tubes (especially considering the price which is very reasonable), including many Chinese tubes and Electro-Harmonix. The noise in these tubes is quite good, measuring at -87dB.

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