Matsushita 12au7 Short Plates

Matsushita 12au7 Short Plates

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One thought on “Matsushita 12au7 Short Plates

  1. Hmm. I was not expecting to hear anything interesting when I tried Matsushita 12au7, but found myself enjoying the sound quite a lot. The tube has a very unique sound signature. Very liquid sound, with a lot of transparency, may be just a tiny bit of sharpness on the top, but just a drop. Very gentle sound in female vocals – no heaviness of bass at all. Very quiet background – bordering on black even in headphones. Very well rounded tube. Dynamic and fast on pair with Telefunken. It was created on Mullard’s technology, but it doesn’t sound like Mullard at all. If Mullard branded and produced tubes from India, Canada & Japan have the same tonal characteristics, this one doesn’t. If you are looking for a tube with sweet HF or warm Mids, this is not it. Great and unique tube. Definitely worth a try. Recommended.

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