Ken-Rad 6n7 metal jacket


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2 thoughts on “Ken-Rad 6n7 metal jacket

  1. This tube was a bit disappointing after National Union review. Sound stage was not as large as NU and the biggest problem was the harshness on the top – it felt like the top was over extended, but no sweetness was present. I think the tube would have sounded OK in a vintage gear with original capacitors in place, but sine the majority of the capacitors are being swapped for new caps anyway (giving amps more transparent sound with better extension on the top), this tube might not work well in the majority of amplifiers.

  2. I’m currently making a single-ended amplifier using the 6N7 as a driver tube. I’ll be curious to hear the differences between the RCA and GE metal 6N7s in my stash. I’ve heard various theories on why glass versions of the same tube sound better, so this is also another area to experiment with.

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