GE 5 Stars 5687 Black Plates Holes in Plate

GE 5 Stars 5687 Black Plates Holes in Plate

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One thought on “GE 5 Stars 5687 Black Plates Holes in Plate

  1. I just got my preamp rewired for the 5687 tubes. Not a very well know tube compared to 12ax7, 12au7 family, but with a huge following that believe that the tube has superior characteristics. A huge advantage of 5687 is the drive it can create – it’s capable of 10 mA where 12ax7 can only manage 1 mA.

    GE delivered on its 5-Star 5687 tubes. Very neutral sound characteristic – very similar to 5751 & 5814 black plates tubes. Very fast, with great bass response. Not as warm as other 5687, but give the others run for their money in dynamics. It’s selling right now for half of the other 5687!!! RECOMMENDED.

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