Valvo/Amperex 12au7 Hamburg D-getter

Valvo 12au7 Hamburg D-getter

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One thought on “Valvo/Amperex 12au7 Hamburg D-getter

  1. Wow, this is one of the rarest 12au7 tubes that I have seen. Usually branded by Amperex, but is actually produced by Valvo, Hamburg Germany, although they are marked as Made in Holland in the majority of case – go figure. and this is from mid 1950s (the one that I got is from 1956), so it’s even more confusing why they did that. Sound wise it’s a very unusual tube – very rich sound, much more so than Mullard []-from the same time. Very warm and inviting sound, but keeps transparency and sound stage, which is fantastic, this way you get the best of both worlds, practically impossible combination to find. Very soooooth sounding tube, with luscious mid-range. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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