Tungsram 6BL8/ECF80 tube Hungary

Tungsram 6BL8/ECF80 tube Hungary

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One thought on “Tungsram 6BL8/ECF80 tube Hungary

  1. I didn’t know about this tube’s existence until a few weeks ago when I got a new shipment of tubes and discovered these little treasures. Research on the net produced nothing, it looks like people don’t know much about this tube, so I was excited to test it in my HH Scott LK-150 amp, which takes 7199 tubes, but with an adapter can work great with 6BL8. I’m also a very big fan of other Tungsram tubes.

    So when I plugged them in and turned on Leonard Cohen LP, I got what I expected, great dynamics, wide soundstage., fantastic transparency. Leonard, RIP, was practically in the room with me (that didn’t come out right :). Great discovery, definitely will stay in the amp. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

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