“Wow, now here is a tube I didn’t expect to be as nice as it is, especially with the gold brand to compete with. This is a great tube, very solid buy. The dynamics are great, and they reproduce the sound very accurately.” Read
“Its strength is its midrange, but it may also be its weakness. The mids here are full, lush, tangible and maybe (just maybe) a trifle overblown. Occasionally i find the lush full vocals obscure just a bit of detail and reduce transparency slightly, but the mids are so lush I could understand how you might not care.” Read
Another phenomenal tube from Sylvania. The sound is very similar to Sylvania GB, which is quite interesting. My GB has gray plates and halo getter. JHS is a completely different construction, but sounds very similar. Superb mids, incredible highs. The strength of this tube is that it brings the singer into the room – way more realistic than a lot of other tubes.
Recently I got another pair of Sylvania 5751 black plates. This time it had green print and no JHS markings. I got it for about $20. And guess what, the tubes sounded the same way as JHS version with gold print. I spent 30 minutes trying to find any kind of structural differences to no avail. If you find them, get them, but remember it has to have 3 mica – 2 mica version is JAN version (I haven’t seen it with black plates). JAN is a mediocre 5751 – not not the same as JHS or Gold Brand.