Mazda 12ax7 Chrome Plates

Mazda 1959 Chrome Plate France

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Vacuum Tube Valley magazine in the 12ax7 shout out rated this tube the highest of all other tubes.

“sonicly between the Telefunken’s tremendous dynamics/speed/ details and the long plate Mullard’s/Amperex’s warmth/rich timbres/image density.” Read

“These are the best sounding 12AX7 tubes I’ve ever heard and for the price there is nothing that comes close in clairity and gain then these do in my opinion.” Store Reviews

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One thought on “Mazda 12ax7 Chrome Plates

  1. When I got this tube I didn’t know what to expect. There are very few reviews available for the tube. The one I got was even more rare than usual – from 1958 with a hole in the plate instead of a slit. A very unique tube, the sound stage is what blew me away. It is even bigger than Telefunken’s stage. It’s both wide and superbly deep – I felt that I was put in the middle of the performance. Very detailed, very airy with a great bass slam. I didn’t find this tube to be very warm. Teles didn’t sound warm on my McIntosh either. Must try tube! You might fall in love or hate it 🙂

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