GE 5-Star 6386 Black Plates Triple Mica

GE 5-Star 6386 Black Plates Triple Mica

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GE 5-Star 6386 Black Plates Triple MicaLoading...

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2 thoughts on “GE 5-Star 6386 Black Plates Triple Mica

  1. Another tube from the 5-Star family, so the expectations are quite high. The good news is that the tube didn’t disappoint, but actually exceeded my expectations.

    The tube is very transparent and exhibits no coloration – just pure transparent (very much so, but without any edge), dynamic sound with not peaks and peaks and valleys across the whole audible frequency, which is not surprising since the tube has been designed to work in radio-frequency applications. Overall, this is the most natural-sounding 2c51/5670 tube I’ve heard.

  2. Pingback: GE Five-Star Brand tubes - Tube Maze

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