If you find a tube with a getter in the form of a flying saucer, you can ignore any branding on the tube. It’s practically guaranteed that you have a Soviet/Russian made tube. Some of them are great, like EV/DR versions of tubes, but in the majority of cases, they don’t sound good.

Here is a great example. Brimar tube, although it is marked as Foreign, which indicates that the tube was not produced by Brimar. This is a Svetlana 6H13C tube.
Take a look at definitions of various post-fixes in Soviet Tubes
Also note that current reissue tubes from Russia, like Sovtek, Electro-Harmonix, Svetlana, Genalex, Tung-Sol, Mullard don’t use the flying saucer getter.
I’ve been bitten multiple times by that. Thanks for the info.