Brimar CV491/12au7 Long Plates

Brimar CV491/12au7 Long Plates

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One thought on “Brimar CV491/12au7 Long Plates

  1. I’ve heard abut this tube for the first time from, but at the price of $170 a tube it was out of the question for me to get it. Imagine my surprise when in a pile of old tubes I discovered this treasure. I run to my trusty tester and hurray! it tested close to new!!! So the next step was to listen to the little treasure 🙂 And the tube didn’t disappoint a bit. This one has a very unique sound unlike any other tubes out there. It’s real, it’s punchy, it’s dynamic & very strong, but not soft, in the bass. With a lot of tubes, it feels that you are a guest in a concert listening to the show from middle (for a good tube) or the last row of seats (for bad tubes). This tube gives you seats in the first row! Hunt it down, it will worth it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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