To celebrate the Relaunch, we want to offer our readers an exciting offer. If you submit a review for a new tube (not on the site yet), we will send you a 10% discount to our tube store (the complete inventory is included in the offer!). If you post your own review for a tube that is already reviewed on the site, we will send you a 5% discount.
Tube Maze site has been hacked in a way that even our backups were not able to restore all content 🙁 It took us about 6 months to put everything back together. We put a lot of effort into making the site very secure, so rest assured that your review(s) will be safe.
The quality of a review does matter, we don’t ask for much, but since the site has been created to help people to navigate tubes and tube/analog related equipment – your review needs to be, well… helpful.
The offer is only valid for the month of September 2020. For us to deliver the discount to you, please provide a valid email when registering on the site.
Awesome news on restoring the site! I visit it often, especially the guides section or when I’m looking for new tubes to try.