Sylvania 6DJ8 Black Plates

Sylvania 6DJ8 Black Plates

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One thought on “Sylvania 6DJ8 Black Plates

  1. This is a very interesting find. I could swear before today that there are no 6DJ8 tubes with black plates. I have never seen one and I went through 1000s of them!!! And today I open up a very beat up Sylvania box with hand written 6dj8 on it – it came from a garbage pile 🙂 Imagine my surprise when the tube was Sylvania with BLACK PLATES!!! the tube is in superb condition and appears to be NOS. So the first thing I did after testing I, of course, plunged it into my amp. I was not disappointed. Finally a tube with superb richness in sound. Very creamy sound, full bodied, and liquid. Yam! It doesn’t have the transparency of the Amperex 6922, but it gives the Amperex run for its money when it comes to richness of the sound. I don’t have to even mention this to you – you see it, you grab it! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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