Raytheon 2C50 Black Plates

Raytheon 2C50/12SN7 Black PlatesRaytheon 2C50/12SN7 Black Plates 2

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One thought on “Raytheon 2C50 Black Plates

  1. This is one cool looking tube. The plate structure inside is awesome! This tube is similar to 12sn7 tubes (with lower gain), but could be used in place of 6SN7 – with a very long warm up time. But as a result, the tube will last practically forever. The tube has been created for aircraft control systems and has been created to the highest military standards. As a result, the sound is great. There is not a lot of warmth (standard Raytheon trademark) to the sound, but transparency, details, and air are fantastic. The tube is quite musical, which makes the whole experience very enjoyable. Also bass, kicks butt in this tube. It reminds the sound of Soviet 1578 tubes. Both have been created for the military – no cheating there 🙂

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