Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold

Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold

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Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi GoldLoading...

“sounding more sweet and a bit warm than Sovtek ,but sovtek have better transparency & more dynamic.” Read

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One thought on “Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold

  1. Electro-Harmonix did it again. I was very skeptical when I tried that tube as I’m not usually impressed by EH tubes (except for their new 7025). This tube really surprised me with its musicality, great bass, and great soundstage. What was even more surprising is that this tube performed practically the same as the legendary 6H30P-DR – I had a very hard time differentiating between the tubes. DR might be, and again might be, a tiny bit more delicate, but then again it could be my imagination. I even tried the tubes in my headphone amp, as it communicates more details, and I paired it with a very transparent WE 421A, but still, the tubes sounded practically the same.

    Specifications for EH version vs DR version are practically the same. However, EH doesn’t publish life expectancy on 6H30Pi, where DR versions expected to last at least 10,000 hours. Upon close examination, the tubes look like two brothers with the biggest difference being getter (DR has a bigger version – but bigger is not always better 🙂

    So all in all, this is a worthy replacement for the legendary and very expensive 6H30P-DR tube.

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