Bendix 6106 Rectifier

Bendix 6106 Rectifier
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2 thoughts on “Bendix 6106 Rectifier

  1. Now, this is one awesome tube! Build with such emphasis on reliability and durability that it’s practically a piece of tube art. Tripple mica to provide added support during vibrations. The story goes that the tube has been designed to withstand crazy Gs in a rocket (a rocket with tubes, that’s a sight to see 🙂 The tube has a very long warm up time, so if you use it be patient (it will take 45 seconds for the tube to wake up). The tube is equivalent to a 5Y3GT tube, but much more reliable. It has a melamine base that allows for the tube to operate at altitudes of 80,000 ft (~25 km). So if you ever decide to use your amp while flying a fighter jet, you are covered – they can’t get to 80,000 ft anyways 🙂

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